Random Acts of Kindness

This will seem like a strange notion coming from the owner of an online retail shop, but I hope you will consider purchasing fewer gift items this Christmas season.

Instead, of running all over town looking for that perfect gift, I want to encourage you to channel your energies toward looking for opportunities to help someone in need, or simply to show kindness and gratitude to a complete stranger.

A few years ago I encouraged my kids to not get me any Christmas gifts.  Instead, I instructed them that if they really felt compelled to ‘get me something’, that I would prefer them to perform a ‘random act of kindness’ for someone else.  My only request was that I wanted them to share their kindness story with me at Christmas time.   Since then, their kindness stories have become my most anticipated gifts of Christmas.


Delivering doughnuts to Fire Department

 My wife and I started our own little ‘random acts of kindness’ campaign several years ago while we were sitting in a local diner.  We discretely asked our waitress to give us the bill for the young military family that was eating at a table across the restaurant.  I have no recollection of what I ate that day… but I will always remember the look of surprise and gratitude on the faces of the young couple when they approached the cash register and were told that their meals had already been paid for.   Since that time, my wife and I look forward to opportunities to anonymously pick up the tab for folks dressed in military, police or fireman’s uniforms.

The funniest story was when we sat in a small Mexican restaurant and paid the tab for the meals of a couple of police officers.  Linda and I were seated in a bench fairly close to the cash register and could hear the exchange between the cops and the cashier.  The cops just couldn’t believe that some anonymous person had paid their bill.  They kept repeating in very loud voices, ‘Are you serious?’  The police officers were blown-away by the simple gesture and made quite a comical scene in the restaurant as their redundant questions got progressively louder, ‘Are YOU serious?’  ‘ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS???’

Our family hosted a German foreign exchange student back when our kids were in high school.  Alex is an exceptional young woman and we remain very close.  She is truly a member of our family who just happens to live on another continent.  Last year, after much persuading that I didn’t want her to send me a birthday gift, Alex finally complied with my wishes.  Instead, she donated money to a local dog shelter where she volunteers.  I honestly treasure the picture that Alex sent from the dog shelter more than any gift she could have ever purchased. The picture is positioned near my desk and it warms my heart every time I look at it.


Helping at Dog Shelter

Do you like the idea of performing random acts of kindness, but are looking for some ideas? 

  • Of course, you can start with the Giving Tree at you local parish.  You can be assured that your gift will go to a local family that will really appreciates your assistance. 
  • Or consider donating to Catholic Relief Services to help the victims of the recent typhoon in the Philippines.  CRS is the official humanitarian relief organization of the Catholic Church.
  • Volunteer at your local parish food pantry.
  • Throw some money in the Salvation Army kettle.  Or better yet,  volunteer to be one of the bell ringers.
  • Donate to the St. Vincent de Paul Society or other worthy charity.
  • And there are plenty of awesome ideas available on the internet.  A quick Google search introduced me to the ‘Random Acts of Kindness Society’.  Their site is chock full of inspirational stories and ideas: http://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-stories

Sure, my accountant would prefer that  you consider CatholicSAM.com when looking for inspirational Catholic Supplies And More…  but I certainly hope you look beyond material gifts this Christmas season.  Consider starting a family tradition of performing random acts of kindness instead!

Have a blessed week,



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